Bipolarity - Skema Propaganda Global
01. Kosmik Metafora
02. The Essence of Truth
03. Skema Propaganda Global
04. Modern Struggles - Disrupt Culture
05. Retorika Dusta
06. Arrogance
07. Once Supreme Ambition
08. Cristalized Emotions
09. Ultimate Chaos Unleashed
10. Destruksi Cakrawala
Total Runningtime 00:30:41
Terendap sudah selama hampir puluhan tahun beberapa ide-ide komposisi-nya sejak tergagas, akhirnya tahun 2017 terealisasi dengan pengerjaan materinya mengalir begitu saja seperti kegilaan yang tersematkan dalam perilaku gangguan Bipolar. kesehatan mental yang menyebabkan perubahan suasana hati yang ekstrem, yang bisa mendadak hipomania, kemudian mendadak depresi. ledakan psikosis atau gangguan mental yang ditandai dengan diskoneksi dari kenyataan, maka lahirlah nama BIPOLAR pada awalnya, namun karena sudah menjadi resiko adanya kesamaan nama dengan band lokal dan luar negeri, sehingga dipakailah nama BIPOLARITY. Tahun 2017 Bipolarity berhasil menyelesaikan materi full album pertama bermuatan 10 track Death Metal aggresif dengan penuh balutan kegilaan aransemen perpaduan kontradiktif bermain secepat cepat en segila gila-nya in the vein Origin, Braindrill, hingga Beneath The Massacre. Rest of the songs more fast than fast and unique. totally brought in the brutal/technical aspects in their music. thought it might be brutal; like blast beats and death growls, changing the fundamentals of that song. I think the original is just good enough that one should listen to it instead. Makes sense, when you think about it: the guitar riffs are spastic and demented, You have to vary your style, keep the listener guessing about what’s coming up next, make the music unpredictable. This is where the material create. The songs are unpredictable. Every song is played at light speed with no room for a solo, or a decent guitar riff, or something different to be thrown in.
There are two things that truly amaze me about this band. The biggest one is their speed. It amazes me that any human being can play guitar or drums as fast as these guys do long enough to record an material. drum tempos is the epitome of their speed, simply doesn't let up. There are very few sections (those of which that there are are extremely short) in which isn't playing, and always playing at breakneck ultra speeds. meski materinya sudah selesai ditulis sepanjang tahun 2018, namun baru diperkenalkan menjadi Demo 2021 dengan track " Unholy Cruel Pleasure " yang pertama kali diperkenalkan di Kompilasi " Spirit Possession # 6 - The Giant Deception " rilisan Deathwish Records. karena melalui proses yang rumit dan panjang serta terhenti dibeberapa project lainnya, akhirnya debut full album ini terselesaikan masih dengan kekurangan sana sini, namun inilah debut yang hampir terlupakan sejak dibuat hahaha... Let’s just play super fast, smothering the music in blastbeats and never-ending sweeps with some random growls thrown in for good measure !!!
Tahun 2024 menjadi puncak kegelisahan yang terbayar lunas ketika materi baru Bipolarity sudah dicanangkan sejak 2022 dan baru terselesaikan akhir tahun 2023 termuntahkan kembali, debut full album ke-2 " Skema Propaganda Global " masih menawarkan kegilaan yang sama dari sebelumnya meski kali ini lebih terkendali dari part-part yang sering membabi buta. keep kicking up the brutality factor without eventually sacrificing the quality level of the music in turn. Many say that Bipolarity seminal release represents the genre stretched to its very limit right at the cliff, a hair short of plunging down the abyss of pointless, ham-fisted brutality and generic shred patterns that have become the norm of tech death for the most part. Seperti sedangkan melanjutkan kembali Mengingat skenario karya penuh ke 2, tidak dapat dihindari bahwa karakteristik genre ini akan berakhir di jalan buntu secara musikal karena tingkat kejenuhan begitu banyak band yang memainkan gaya yang sama. Kecuali tentu saja, kalian mempertimbangkan aspek extreme death metal yang disonan dengan keunggulan dinamis dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, tetapi itu adalah cerita untuk lain waktu. This new materialized really isn’t any different than any Bipolarity track before. except this one has some groove and sometimes approaches organized songwriting. There are some memorable harmonized in the album, but they’re so sparse I couldn’t tell which songs they are in off the top of my head. The vocals are buried in the mix so much it sounds he’s barking into a jet engine that’s turning on. Actually, you could consider that a positive aspect, as Bipolarity has never been really enjoyable. For one thing, he stopped using his awful high pitch voice which was the man-made equivalent of nails on a chalkboard.
Menandai eksistensi tanpa batas-nya, dengan penuh Jumawa nan Brengsek, VULGAR BUTCHERED bersiap memperkenalkan materi full album ke-2 bertitel " The Necronymphomaniac " yang telah dikerjakan sejak akhir Tahun 2020 silam, karena terjadi musibah fatal tentang hilang-nya data serta materi saat akan take vocal, walau dengan sangat berat hati dan hopeless, akhirnya materi " The Necronymphomaniac " harus menjalani proses dari NOL kembali ! materi yang memang kembali mengadopsi karakteristik style era EP " Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes ", VULGAR BUTCHERED masih solid dan konsisten menawarkan gempuran BDM dengan sentuhan Slam Groovy New York style nanti via 9 Track Gress mematikannya ! The individual performances are most impressive, It's mindless fun and great to headbang to, it definitely possesses a high level of fist-pounding energy and it's just great fun to listen to. this is pretty basic NYDM that just happens to have slams crammed in, there's not a lot of Deathcore found here apart from the Blast/groove template material operates from and you are completely bombarded with the most intense, visceral, white-knuckled savagery that only a band like this can deliver. for fans 420, Between Two Evils, Internal Bleeding, Dehumanized, Dying Fetus, Entorturement and Repudilation, DON'T FUCKING MISS IT !!!
The NYSG will be continue ....